

最近看了Robert Kiyosaki 的文章裡提到的一段話,感同深受

"People say amateurs play for the love of the game and professionals play for money. That is not true. Amateurs are amateurs because they do not love the game enough. When it is cold and rainy, a professional golfer will play. The amateur will not. When they are sick, the professional will play. The amateur stays in bed. When they are losing, the professional will practice harder and enter more tournaments. The amateur will quit and take up tennis."

記得還是小學的時候,很喜歡玩棒球,常常在中午大熱天,同學想休息的時候,拉著他們一起去玩。很懷念那時單純渴望的感覺。那時如果我爸繼續讓我打球,也許現在我也是王建民 :P

現在看看自己再做的事,不至於厭惡,但也沒有小時的熱誠。我也算是業餘在我這一行 = ="

1 comment:

George said...
