
AVD(Android Viutual Device)的注意事項

當你正在選擇system image target for 你的AVD時,請心存下列三項

Keep these points in mind when you are selecting a system image target for your AVD:

1. target 的 API level 很重要,因為你的應用程式沒辦法在比它的 API Level 還少的 system image 上跑,在應用程式的 manifest 檔的 attribute 裡的 minSdkVersion 有定義.想知道更多資訊有關 system API Level 跟應用程式 minSdkVersion 之間的關系,請看Specifying Minimum System API Version

The API Level of the target is important, because your application will not be able to run on a system image whose API Level is less than that required by your application, as specified in the minSdkVersion attribute of the application's manifest file. For more information about the relationship between system API Level and application minSdkVersion, see Specifying Minimum System API Version.

2. 強烈鼓勵,建立至少一個AVD, 它的 API Level 大於你的應用程式, 因為這可以讓你測試你的應用程式的forward-compatibility. forward-compatibility 的測試可用來保證,使用者透過system update download 你的應用程式之後,可以運作正常。

Creating at least one AVD that uses a target whose API Level is greater than that required by your application is strongly encouraged, because it allows you to test the forward-compatibility of your application. Forward-compatibility testing ensures that, when users who have downloaded your application receive a system update, your application will continue to function normally.

3. 如果你的應用程式宣告了一個 user-library 元件在它的 manifest 檔,那這個應用程式只能跑在有外部 library 的 system image.如果你要你的應用程試跑在你建立的 AVD 上, 請確定應用程式的 uses-library element 還有所選的 system image target 有無 includes 那個 library.

If your application declares a uses-library element in its manifest file, the application can only run on a system image in which that external library is present. If you want your application to run on the AVD you are creating, check the application's uses-library element and select a system image target that includes that library.

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